By Jessika - 07/08/2009 09:18 - United Kingdom

Today, I finished a ballet class with a group of seven-and-unders. Afterwards, a new student's mother came up to me and thanked me, saying she was glad that her daughter had a "role model with a, ahem, fuller figure" and "not to worry about my weight." I have never thought I was fat before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 601
You deserved it 3 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, from a ballet standpoint, a lot of the woman are sticks. Maybe you just have a curvy figure, and she's happy her daughter can look up to someone with curvy hips instead of a coat hanger.

AnakinWanders 0

If you don't think you're fat then don't worry.


deliapearl 0

let me hardly eat a thing too...just salads and fruit?

aed0219 0

That woman's daughter has no hope growing up with a healthy body image. FYL and F her daughter's life too.

Knight05 0

YDI for being a fat chick who thinks she can dance, because she saw "bring it on" on dvd.

Just because she's a b|'][' ( }-{ doesn't mean that she's right. I know women who are absolutely beautiful, with full figures. They're not fat, just curvy. Anyway, science has proven women who are not stick figures are more intelligent.

Yeah, my blessed momma used to complement fat women by saying the had a wonderful personality.

SO DONT THINK THAT UR FAT NOW??? i hate it when ppl worry about what strangers say

haleycstar 0

OMG! how rude was THAT! that lady who said that has some nerve...

Well, when all of you UK's are fat, how would you know that you were not normal? Invest a few dollars in a modeling magazine and compare yourself. Better yet, post pics and we'll let you know.

anonymousblue 0

Erm, news flash, but the girls in modeling magazines are NOT normal. Chances are they represent the 2% of the population smaller than a size 2. They are also very likely unhealthy. A woman considered fat by ballet standards is most likely normal and healthy. So don't be a bitch.

You protest too much for a "normal" size woman. Go max out your Lane Bryant card.