By Jessika - 07/08/2009 09:18 - United Kingdom

Today, I finished a ballet class with a group of seven-and-unders. Afterwards, a new student's mother came up to me and thanked me, saying she was glad that her daughter had a "role model with a, ahem, fuller figure" and "not to worry about my weight." I have never thought I was fat before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 601
You deserved it 3 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, from a ballet standpoint, a lot of the woman are sticks. Maybe you just have a curvy figure, and she's happy her daughter can look up to someone with curvy hips instead of a coat hanger.

AnakinWanders 0

If you don't think you're fat then don't worry.


theintrollama 0

If you're a ballet teacher being called fat... then that probably means you still need to gain weight ;) You probably have nothing to worry about.

Don't worry about it. She's maybe just crazy and jealous of your body!

troller_fml 0

YDI for being a fat bitch. Fat people should be banned from any sport or activity where they wear tights.

lilbitch123 0

and moronic immature assholes like you should be banned from society, and left onto an island where they deserve to rot.

bbobe900000 0

yep. totally. but anyway, I say the mom's a bitch. If someone says "don't worry about your weight" that generally means they're trying to make you feel better because they think you're fat, and therefore they think YOU think you're fat. So yeah, in my opinion, the mom was calling her fat. Bitch.

Ballet dancers are INCREDIBLY prone to anorexia nervosa, and it's very common for their parents (the ones that may fall more into the 'stage mother' category as opposed to the 'supportive parent' category) to passive-aggressively encourage that behavior.

dont_be_dumb 0

Well since she's all about worrying, Tell her you wont worry about her insecurities and passive aggressive behavior to inform people of their "problems"...oh yeah, and go F^@* yourself :)

you obviously dont have a mirror then. i personally dont like girls that are super skinny, my gf is a size 6 and thats perfect for me cuz shes got boobs and a butt and she'll actually eat something when we go out unlike the small girls who only order salads and then wait for you to finish eating or the fat girls that empty out ur wallet just with the appetizers.

I agree with previous posters--maybe she did mean someone with real curves rather than a stereotypically skinny ballet instructor. But even if she didn't, her opinion shouldn't matter. If you don't think you're fat, don't let anyone but your doctor tell you otherwise.

dramakat11 0

She probably just meant you aren't rail-thin like most ballet dancers. Don't worry, you probably just have healthy curves like a normal woman.

People in ballet can get really ******* weird about their weight. It doesn't sound like you're one of them, please don't let her or anyone else turn you into one

waterynuggets 0

STFU you're probably hot Full figure FTW