By blackedout - 06/10/2009 05:25 - Singapore

Today, I fainted on the sidewalk. When I woke up, I was still lying on the sidewalk, people were stepping over me and my purse was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 265
You deserved it 3 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is the reason why I dislike major cities such as London, Paris and so on where people really could not care less about individuals.

mekeskidi_fml 0

This happens in any country except Singapore. You should go to the police, they recorded everything with street cams.


This happens EVERYWHERE! Its urban life. Fyl though. Next time carry a backpack so that its harder to get off you. And Money ID etc goes in your Shoe Bra etc.

Plus really no one cares about but you You are YOUR respnsibility and people die ALL rhe time its no biggie. If your that prone to illnes stay home Cause Its not just Singapore it San Francisco,NYC,EVERYWHERE... I still feel for ya though

I really feel for you and i sincerely hope you're feeling better now! However, what i would like to say is that Singapore is not that bad a place! To judge Singapore just by simply a few encounters with unfriendly/inconsiderate Singaporeans is unfair to her other citizens! I do admit that i see inconsiderate Singaporeans everyday but we should not over generalise and leave out the good citizens of Singapore. I've fainted at the bus stop once and people came forward to help me. Same goes for my friend who fainted in the train. There are friendly Singaporeans out there and i really hope that people will not have the misconceptions about Singapore being unfriendly and selfish. I am proud to be a Singaporean no matter what. I'm really sorry for what happened to you but don't lose faith in your own country! Get better soon! (:

OH WELL. That's the REAL Singapore for all you 'delusionized' people!

AH quit the apologies. I've lived in Singapore all my life.

noshitsherlock 0

WOW, that really sucks. I fainted at a club once during the summer, due to dehydration. Luckily, nobody stole anything and nobody assaulted me. (I was on the ground, on my back, with my eyes clothes, but it was like my mind was still awake for most of it - it was bizarre). People lifted my head off the ground, helped me up, and guided me to a seat to recover. AND this was in a shady part of LA!

armywife247 0

didnt realize how many people have lived in singapore till this OP came about her fml... and #63... eyes clothed? did you blindfold yourself? cuz that would explain why you fell over in a club. shouldnt be walkin blind:) lol

satanstoystore 0

because bad things could happen weare absolved from having to be decent human beings? god i hope those folks go to hell.

Karephre 0

have you been to 6 street in Austin. You can find a few on the ground there