By blackedout - 06/10/2009 05:25 - Singapore

Today, I fainted on the sidewalk. When I woke up, I was still lying on the sidewalk, people were stepping over me and my purse was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 265
You deserved it 3 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is the reason why I dislike major cities such as London, Paris and so on where people really could not care less about individuals.

mekeskidi_fml 0

This happens in any country except Singapore. You should go to the police, they recorded everything with street cams.


StrawberryPiez_ 0

you prolly looked like a hobo

Bullshet 0

As someone who moved to a large city from a small community, shit like this definatly happens often in major cities. If she were to faint in a smaller town I can almost garauntee that someone would've stopped to check up on her. I think in larger cities people might ignore situations like this out if fear.

totalbadass 0

At least they didn't step on you. ...Right?

That truly does suck. This is one of the only decent FML's I've seen in a long time.

yourkiddingright_fml 0

What a sad commentary on our self-centered world!! Sorry!

armywife247 0

i call a fake... i saw this same scenario on good morning america. Some guy passed out on a sidewalk, and people just walked over him, and some guy actually stole his wallet. they caught it on a convenience store's CCTV.

im from singapore myself and let me tell you guys something. the world has the biggest misconception about singapore being a friendly and hospitable place to live. its a damn shithole. nobody here cares about anyone. no one smiles, no ones friendly. and oh, racial harmony? my ass. racism is always going on in schools and at work places. so yeah, singaporeans really do suck. OP - cant say im surprised.

i'm from singapore too, and i do agree that this could possibly happen in singapore because everyone here seems to be concerned about himself. sad but true.

I've stayed in Singapore for an extended period... the service culture is very good, the food is excellent. But I found strangers there incredibly cold. In the the US, if somebody gets in an elevator with you, they will generally smile, nod or say hi... In Singapore, it was like you were furniture, no acknowledgement. I had one stranger smile at me the entire time I was there. I found my clients abrupt, suspicious and dismissive. Singaporean acquaintances have described the culture as pushy, unfriendly, and above all, self-centred. On the other hand, I understand the crime rate and levels of corruption are very low. Not a place I'd like to visit again.

I seriously agree with ya, #52, being a singaporean myself. Most sg's are rude and more and more people are getting increasingly obnoxious and racsist by the day! argh, im juz waiting for the day i earn enough for myself and migrate out of here.