By blackedout - 06/10/2009 05:25 - Singapore

Today, I fainted on the sidewalk. When I woke up, I was still lying on the sidewalk, people were stepping over me and my purse was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 265
You deserved it 3 800

Same thing different taste

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This is the reason why I dislike major cities such as London, Paris and so on where people really could not care less about individuals.

mekeskidi_fml 0

This happens in any country except Singapore. You should go to the police, they recorded everything with street cams.


this was the funniest ive seen today.. i could just imagine someone trying to take a purse away from someone unconscious. and the fact that no one even bothered to help...haha.fyl.

emmy_lives 0

im from singapore. there will always be the kind Samaritans and the self-centred people, regardless of which city it is. i must agree, that in our culture, its just odd to randomly smile at people but there are those who do that. probably just the happy ones. but anyway, im very curious as to where this happened. considering how little interesting stuff we have in our papers, wouldn't this have appeared o.0 or did i just miss it? if i must, i do have an analogy. blind man, on the bus, i have no idea how he knew where to get on and off and what bus, but anyway he was on the bus, the bus driver was helping him [i guess thats how he knew where to get off]. he got off at my stop and there were quite a few people helping him and i think a young lady walked him all the way back. i suspect the new generation is alot more open to randomly smiling and being nice in general. for the sgeans who happily slam sg here, have you done your part as a nice and happy friendly singaporean? or do you just take pride in not being one?

BeefyDia 0

They probably thought you were a hobo sleeping on the streets :/ Not that there's alot in Singapore.

WTF man what is wrong with people of today?! That shit is extra bogus. OP, every person that walked over you, including the one who took your purse, knows they wouldn't want that same shit to happen to them. SMH

hateevryone 14

this is why i hate f**king society

when I first read this I thought it said farted on the sidewalk and I was like wtf??? I'm so stupid:P