By Ali (New York) - 24/06/2011 03:01 - United States

Today, I dislocated my collarbone while trying remove my bra without taking off my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 280
You deserved it 36 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That must have been fun explaining that to the doctor

RainbowHeadache 2

I do that all the time but without the dislocating bit. Must have been one vicious contraption to dislocate your clavicle like that.


whoisthisgirl 4

you must not be flexible in the arms... I can do that but it does start hurting my arms after a while. well I guess you know not to do it now lol

I do that all the time and that's never happened... not even close

OBro_fml 0

you can't dislocate a collarbone... you can fracture it...

JUST TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT NEXT TIME! lol ...on a more serious note, I didn't actually know that was possible, congrats! :)

Its quite easy to do. I do it cuz I never sleep n my bra