By Username - 09/08/2011 00:03 - United States

Today, I discovered that if I work out, I can't get an erection, but if I don't work out, my penis functions fine. This wouldn't be such a problem if I wasn't a professional bodybuilder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 740
You deserved it 13 521

Same thing different taste

Top comments

markrs 0

Hey having sex is exercise too... The fun kind


iloooovemylife 7

sucks for you my man ! Or better yet start taking pills

pretty sure that it has something to do with the roids not the working out

That's the steroid use talking...just sayin'

tucansam555 3

It would seem you have reached an impass

Steroids do funny things to your balls, man.

AKSpray 4

Only while you're on them, and that has nothing to do with erections, brain child.

Is it the working out or the steroids that is causing the problem?

huntingman1019 0