By anon - 10/11/2012 21:14 - United States - Kent

Today, I delivered a pizza to a guy so high out of his mind that I had to let myself in and set it down on a table, because he'd forgotten how to walk, and was on the ground sobbing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 076
You deserved it 2 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AbstraktThoughts 13

Chill with him, eat his pizza? ;) he won't remember it.


escobar07 10

Why didn't you record this? You tube man come on.

combatbunny 9

Dude, this is more a **** his life than a fml

trskln 1

I'm sure he tipped you very well, too.

Oh get over yourself, drama queen. Maybe he's seen high people before? Its not hard to tell when someone is baked.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

I hope you tipped yourself well.

I delivered pizza to a naked chick. Ended up smashing her for the tip.

Iris_Wildthyme 4

Dunno, maybe there were drugs or related items in plain sight in the room?

Ummm F his life. Call an ambulance!! What is wrong with you?!

Don't listen to a few of these retards. FYL, OP. At least the guy was actually pretty high, because he ORDERED A PIZZA. Didn't dial 911, didn't call for help. He called for a PIZZA. So don't feel bad, OP. I swear, the collective IQ of the internet is lower than a 5th grade classroom.