By Michelle - 26/04/2010 21:42 - New Zealand

Today, I decided to quit smoking. During my lunch break, I tried to ash the KitKat bar that was in my hand after I took a bite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 710
You deserved it 17 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MermaidSongXOXO 6

This is the kind of FML that you can't really blame the OP at all. It's actually really inspiring that you decided to quit smoking :) Quitting is tough, and it takes a while to get out of the habit (hence trying to ash a kitkat bar). But, I, and I'm sure a lot of other FML users, are proud. Fun fact: every cigarette you smoke takes eleven minutes off your life.


madaddicted 0

GOOD JOB! hope you get over it. at least your making an effort to stop killing yourself. :)

kitkat bars arnt good for you either ;)

NikAero 0
jasper456 0

smokers r ppl who have no lives of there own so they try to fill the hole with tar and ash ydi for smoking

Was once chewing on a pen in class and took my lighter out of my pocket and almost tried to light it. Good for you for trying to quit. Also anyone saying weed is better>idiots.

Those people are greater than idiots? So, they're slightly dumb or something, but still better than an idiot?

Weed IS better. You don't see doctors perscribing ciggarettes.

52 - Lovin the username 49 - can you please break down your greater than less than situation here? Cuz I've got to agree w/ 52, not makin a whole lot of sense. Maybe you meant people who smoke weed are greater idiots than people who smoke cigarettes? If that's the case, I disagree with that entirely. But that's just my opinion.

Thanks! I've been on this site a long time and kind of coined the name over a year ago. I'm still proud of it. :D I agree that weed is better for one main reason: It's not addictive. With cigarettes, you might want whatever good you get out of them (some people says it's calming) maybe once a day, but you can't quit there. So you end up smoking a pack each day, which is much worse for your health. Whereas weed, although it's harmful too, can be used more responsibly. You smoke it once in a while for a stomach ache, or for anxiety or whatever. You don't get stuck with a monkey on your back. AND, you don't end up ashing candy when you decide to quit. :)

MermaidSongXOXO 6

#78 Marijuana IS addictive :(

Oh really now? I'm going to have to disagree with that. That is to say, anything can be addictive psychologically. There was a woman addicted to chapstick. But I daresay you don't see people jonesing for marijuana and trying for half their life to quit with aids and support groups and failing.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

I read in a magazine recently about people who were addicted to marijuana who actually did go to desperate measures to get it. But, to be honest, marijuana's not hard to get so you don't usually have to go to lengths to get it. Hell, it's probably just as easy to get weed on the streets as it is to walk into a store and get cigarettes. Marijuana ruins lives just as much as any other drug or addictive substance.

I believe the greater than sign was a failed attempt at an arrow. > ----> (same diff. I suppose?)

sertralinaa 2

Anything can cause addiction: alcohol, smoking, drugs, even food. The point is, sometimes the addiction is purely psychological. When you do cocaine, for instance... You want to take more just cause you like the effect. But then comes tolerance, hence heavier drugs like heroine etc . That's why drugs are bad. Not saying you can't party'n'play tho :D

for the record: you're all a bunch of ignorant buzzkills. weed does not kill, it is not addictive, and it doesn't ruin lives. bullshit marijuana legislation ruins lives.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Weed makes people unattentive and kills brain cells. Also, bullshit! What do you mean "it's not addictive"? Anything can be addictive; especially something that gives you a high like weed.

RedPillSucks 31

Mermaid song, Alcohol also does these things, yet we don't seem to see the same rhetoric with alcohol... Also, weed and hemp have other positive attributes that go beyond the actual smoking (meaning there are other things you can use it for).

MermaidSongXOXO 6

I think that alcohol is just as bad as marijuana. I'm not selective about what drugs (alcohol is considered a drug, too) I'm against. Yes, I am fully aware there are other uses for weed/marijuana/hemp or whatever you want to call it, but for recreational purposes it is just not good.

on a psychological level, maybe. you're still going to be hard-pressed in finding someone who will suck dick for a dime. also, many doctors and lawyers blazed their way through their respective programs and don't lose a single step. the argument it's long-term effects are harmful is completely unfounded scientifically. futhermore, the therapeutic and medicinal benefits of marijuana use far outweigh any potential short or long term negative effects. it's impossible to overdose on weed, it doesn't give you cancer, and it doesn't impair your functionality nearly as radically as alcohol. you speak against pot in complete ignorance

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Weed still kills. Why do you think they put the name "Zack" on the anti-marijuana billboards?

I have no idea, to tell you the truth. and quite frankly, I don't give a shit. just because some stupid kid died while high doesn't mean marijuana was a factor in his death. also, try to find an accurate, unbiased comparison of alcohol related deaths per year to marijuana related deaths. I'm willing to bet my lifes savings that more people die a year being attacked by an animal than people on weed at the time of death.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

If people want to smoke pot, fine. I'm only ******* 14, so don't expect me to know much more about pot than the simple fact that it's illegal and harmful. Also, "just because some kid died while high doesn't mean marijuana was a factor in his death"..... That just says it all.

also, I'm inclined to take anything you have to say with a grain of salt, having cited a magazine as "proof"

MermaidSongXOXO 6

#171, it was interviews with people currently in rehab for marijuana addiction.

171-in mermaids defense, anything that can alter your mindset and mental coherency can be dangerous, depending on what your doing while under the influence. Anyone can convince themselves of being addicted to anything, it's purely psychological. Bottom line, I'm not against weed, I promote it over drinking and smoking cigarettes actually. But it can cause harm just like any other mind altering substance, when used in the irresponsible hands at the wrong time. (example: slowing motor skills while driving high) Like I said, I'm all about people living they way they want and being addicted or not addicted to their drug of choice. But mermaid does make a somewhat valid point, and it's her opinion. Take it easy.

exactly. you're 14. time to grow up and stop believing everything you're force fed. you're a teenager. find this shit out for yourself. and do you know why it's illegal? not because it gets you high. if it weren't for the American textile industry, pot would be perfectly legal, yet regulated. and besides, pot will be legal before you're 18. just watch. no, my quoted text doesn't "say it all" or whatever. compare the number of alcohol related deaths to marijuana related deaths. the disparity is mind boggling. people don't die on a daily basis because of pot.

if you plan on getting behind the wheel while in an altered state of mind, you don't deserve to be breathing

I think that's a little harsh, but that's your opinion. I agree that it's irresponsible, but sometimes when you're young you make stupid decisions without realizing the severity of your actions. Most people don't think weed is harmful, for reasons you yourself just argued, and therefore think it's ok to drive while high. I have no opinion either way, because I can't judge people for living their lives the way they see fit.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

McBoogerballs, I wasn't force fed anything. I'm young, sure, but I'm not stupid. I believe that marijuana is bad not because anybody else forced me to think that way, but the simple fact that nowadays more and more people are becoming stupid stoners. Marijuana is a gateway drug for many people. You try weed once with a group of buddies and then you think "Oh, hey this is fine" and smoke more and more until you decide to try other drugs and end up with a much more serious problem. In many cases, marijuana also laced with other drugs like heroin, crack, etc. By the way, your text does, in fact, say it all. You said that he died while high but that doesn't mean marijuana was a factor in his death. That is, quite frankly, the type of idiocy that makes you lose credibility.

This discussion is boring. Weed isn't that harmful. But who cares? People will smoke it anyway. As long as it's illegal I don't have to deal with that annoying smell. Keep it in your garages, druggies.

*prescribing. And weed is only prescribed to mainly people with cancer or chronic pain because it numbs the pain of chemo or anything else, and also gives you an appetite in some cases where you have nausea. Doctors don't prescribe weed to anybody off the street, you have to have good reason. And I disagree, weed kills brain cells along with shortening your life, whereas cigarettes only shorten your life.

Whoa. Uh, I'm back. I'm just gonna jump on in here where I left off. Mermaid, I can respect your opinion. I personally don't think marijuana is bad, even recreationally (to me it's about like sipping tea) but I don't think your opinion isn't founded in truth. Marijuana does have the potential to cause a lot of misery, physical damage, and death. I just think it's so unlikely compared to the number of people who smoke it with no consequence that it's better than cigarettes. Whoever said something like, "It would be hard to find someone who would suck dick for a dime," is kind of right. I know lots and lots of people who smoke a TON of marijuana. Yet when they're broke or whatever, they just deal with it. Just like if your TV broke. They don't start selling their children into prostitution like a meth addict may. Also, they can make it through a car ride or a meal in a restaurant without getting cranky and going mad because they haven't toked in an hour. Whoa, 233, tobacco DOES kill brain cells because it deprives you of oxygen. Get the facts straight first.

Wait, what? "Marijuana is also laced with other drugs like heroin, crack, etc"? How can you possibly claim that your views on weed are your own when you're buying into ridiculous urban legends like that? There's just no logic to that myth. Heroin and crack and other more addictive street drugs are more expensive than weed. What incentive would a drug dealer possibly have to cut his profits like that? Also, I'm not sure what's confusing you about McBoogerballs' argument. If someone happened to die after taking an advil (a DRUG, only different from illegal drugs because some bureaucrat signed a piece of paper saying that it's okay to use) would you blame the advil? Of course not. It makes perfect sense that somebody could have been high at the time they died from something entirely unrelated, especially when you consider how many people (including some of your relatives, no doubt) in the world have smoked and continue to smoke weed. Lastly, I'll leave you with this quote. “Two of my favorite things are sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp, and playing my Hohner harmonica.” - Abraham Lincoln. Was Honest Abe a "stupid stoner"?

MermaidSongXOXO 6

I'm aware that Abraham Lincoln smoked hemp. So did George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. It's not an urban legend that marijuana is laced with drugs like that. I know someone who smoked laced marijuana without knowing it and ended up in the hospital because of an overdose. And as for what I said about McBoogerballs argument, he claimed marijuana was NOT a factor in the death. It, in fact, was. If someone dies while high on a drug, you can't say that the drug wasn't a factor.

It's impossible to say either way whether the drug had any part in causing the death or not. For example, someone's high. They're crossing the road. Someone doesn't stop and hits them. Well, you can't go back in time and replay it without the drugs to tell if maybe they're reaction time was slowed enough that they wouldn't have been hit if sober. You just can't know.

RedPillSucks 31

wienerwagon, While I probably agree with your argument, and I also don't think that weed is any where close to as bad as alcohol or cigarettes, using arguments from what people did 150+ years ago is not fighting fair. Back in some of your parents time, Coca-Cola actually had cocaine as its active ingredient. Remember the advertisement "Coke, its the 'real thing'"? That was the hidden message. Society changes and legal things become illegal, etc. I also agree that those divisions are largely political, as you say. MermaidSong, I think your argument has some merrit, but some of peoples issues is that you're way too young (yes, I know you're smart) to fully understand a lot of this stuff. There is soo much hyperbole and miss-information that it's mindboggling. But this is largely a religious argument. For my part, weed really is not a gateway drug. That's more hyperbole. The gateway drug is peer pressure. If you hang around people who do drugs, you're more likely to do it. I had friends who though "everybody's doing it" until they realized that it was only the people they hung with that were smoking.

redsox4021 0

mermaid u have never smoked weed so stfu. weed is mostly not addictive only for a small percent it is. it's just uz it's a gateway drug is the only really bad thing it doesn't kill that much braincells, contact sports kill more than weed does

I'm not going to say you're lying, but I don't think you heard the whole story. Your friend probably laced the weed himself. No dealer would ever spend more money just to sneak a little bit of heroin into your weed. He'd basically be paying to drive away customers. On the off chance that by some miracle this kid did find a dealer who was so devious that he decided it'd be a good idea to potentially kill off his clientele, he must have had real bad luck. I've known a lot of people who have smoked a lot of marijuana and not one of them has ever encountered something like that. As for your other argument, by the same logic you could claim just about anything causes death. Was he wearing shoes at the time of death? Must have been a factor. Did he recently get his haircut? Must have been a factor! See the flaw in that train of thought?

MermaidSongXOXO 6

If you're under the influence of something that completely destroys your judgement and state of mind, then yeah that might be a factor if you end up dying.

RedPillSucks 31

Well, in the 80's the Mexican government sprayed a lot of the fields with a herbicide (grammar nazi, is it AN herbicide?) paraquat. Of course the growers still sold it, and the dealers still sold it and people started dying from it. So even though technically MaryJane didn't kill people, the stuff it was laced with did. One can argue that using an illegal substance will increase these kind of risks. However, one can also argue that making things illegal causes these things to happen and increase these risks. Look at alcohol prohibition. Even though there was a huge effort to get rid of alcohol and to make it illegal, it didn't work. People were drinking grain alcohol and going blind or dying of alcohol poisoning. That doesn't happen so much now (besides college binge drinking). Ultimately prohibition was a failure. I think the same thing will happen with weed, and the cigarette companies will be all over it. They already have the advertising worked out and are just waiting for the opportunity.

Look, you've obviously never smoked weed, you can't say things like "[weed] completely destroys your judgement and state of mind". That's a gross exaggeration. Guess which one of these posts I made high? I'll give you a hint: it may or may not have been all of them. There's no way you could tell the difference, though, because being high isn't really all that crazy. Also, the key word in your post is "might". Being high might have been a factor in this guy's death, but it probably wasn't.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

You know what? I'm done with this. Smoke your ******* weed if you want. Ruin your life. I don't care; I'm just a chick from the internet.

ndiesal 0

Mermaid, you say you are 14 and know nothing about stop trying to argue that it's bad. You're wrong. Marijuana is not addictive. It doesn't alter your mind so much that you can't function. It makes you not want to function, but you certainly can. I've been on the Dean's list 2 quarters in a row despite smoking on an almost daily basis. I can also make myself stop smoking for a long time for either a vacation, trip to my parents, or for a drug test. The whole Zack billboard is another lame governmental effort designed to uphold the myth that marijuana is dangerous and should be illegal, considering that they're facing ever-increasing pressure to legalize it. It didn't become that big of a deal...maybe was it because there's no substance to that ad? Every now and then the Ad council comes out with these little anti-pot ads, but nobody pays attention to them. Not to mention even if the story is true, that's about the only story that there is concerning death by pot. How many people die as a result of drunk driving, and lung cancer from cigarette smoking? And why do you think several states have legalized marijuana for medical purposes? There's scientific proof that marijuana can cure things such as cancers, Alzheimer's, insomnia, eating disorders, and many pain disorders. Why do you think many other states have decriminalized it, and made it the lowest priority of law enforcement? The thing I laugh at most is that it's a gateway drug. Gateway to junk food, maybe...that's about it. Smoking pot doesn't make me want to try harder drugs. People know that pot isn't that dangerous, but that doesn't mean harder drugs aren't. Not to mention that it's well known that some of the most iconic figures in American history (mentioned above) used it. What does that tell you? There's absolutely no reason that marijuana should be illegal while tobacco and alcohol, two drugs known to kill people in various different ways, remain legal. It's a major hypocrisy. If you don't want to smoke weed, that's fine. I respect that. But if you're going to argue and try to convince people that it is bad, and do it in complete ignorance, then that's wrong. There's no real proof that marijuana is harmful. There's a lot of proof that suggests that marijuana is not only not that harmful, but for some things can be beneficial. BTW OP, you made me LOL with your post. But hey - you're trying to quit smoking - good for you! You can look back on this moment after you quit and LOL as much as I did.

sorry mermaid, looks like u don't have a leg to stand on.

lionandthelamb61 9
YourFallout 0
ellaxd 0

cum bak with a real fml op when u gain 40 lbs from quitting

sertralinaa 2

Haha I was gonna say the same thing