By Anonymous - 12/08/2011 23:15 - France

Today, I decided to prank my boyfriend by putting a pair of panties in his coat pocket. I stormed in and confronted him with the "evidence". I guess the prank worked; he broke down and confessed to cheating on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 445
You deserved it 44 693

Same thing different taste


sexxme 9

Well I mean you were wrong for pranking him like that, instead of just being straightfoward with him. But It's not your fault that he cheated on you. I don't know whether to say ydi or fyl.

so moral of the story is.. when my future wife does this to me, I should deny, deny, deny!!!

Orrrrr you should be a decent guy and NOT cheat.

You deserve it, but at the same time he is dumb rule number one lie til you die!

What's so bad u found out the truth? If u stayed with him the whole time he was cheating you would look even more pathetic

linnie_wesker 20

I don't know why everyone is saying YDI... I think it's a hilarious prank. It's not like she was actually being suspicious and reading his texts and shit, she was just messing with him. Normal people tend to do stuff like that.

thisgirl2u 9

What kind of a horrible prank is that? I mean if you're going to be pulling a prank like this you have to be expecting only two types of outcomes; one, your boyfriend is now pissed at you and thinks you are insane or two, you will inadvertently obtain a confession. I'm thinking that you were searching for the second one and just hoping you wouldn't find it. :S Any way sorry about the luck OP, but at least now you know.

thisgirl2u 9

Those were my thoughts exactly. Besides I personally think the girl that creates a "prank" like this is either consciously or subconsciously searching for the truth in whether or not her boyfriend is in fact cheating.