By Pimaan - 26/10/2011 16:14 - United States

Today, I decided to be a generous guy and slip a dollar from my pocket to a beggar. Turns out I'd slipped my hard-earned $100 bill instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 738
You deserved it 35 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you were feeling pretty generous.

I literally FELT your pain while reading this..


superbubbles 4

I live in Canada and we have colored bills and the loonie. A mix up would be impossible here.

za_hang14 2

lol true that, love being canadian :)

That's why Americans should have colours for differen bills like us Canadians

kristena103 14

The guy looked at u and hided the Money to keep it. I saw it all op

I agree, unfortunately many states have taxes added on to the final price, Also it would have been much better to give a homeless man a dollar meal than an actual dollar. The sad reality is that many of the homeless prefer to spend their money on booze, cigarettes, or other drugs instead of the nourishment they truly need.

Thats a good thing, you probly don't need it and he's homless