By Pimaan - 26/10/2011 16:14 - United States

Today, I decided to be a generous guy and slip a dollar from my pocket to a beggar. Turns out I'd slipped my hard-earned $100 bill instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 738
You deserved it 35 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you were feeling pretty generous.

I literally FELT your pain while reading this..


haha well, **** YOUR LIFE! I'm sorry bro, but yeah, one rich begger :)

This reminds me of that episode of Punk'd where they get Rihanna. Or beyonce. I don't remember..

wow luck beggar think of the amount of crack get can get for that

Is it common in the US to carry a $100 bill? A lot of stores in Canada won't take them (too easy to counterfeit). I only carry $20s.

ATSViper 15
Destiny_Moore 0

Wow. You're An Idiot. How Could You Not Of Seen The Extra Two 00's?

RubenCitoSanchez 0
mbrooks5110 0

Dont worry it's still a great thing, just include it in itemized deductions at the end of the year.

shootxtoxkill172 0

He going to share the booze with you?