By Nickolas Neffster - 05/10/2011 00:14 - United States

Today, I bought my girlfriend a very expensive necklace. I gave it to her thinking she'd be extremely happy. Instead she was mad at me because my gift for our anniversary was better than hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 111
You deserved it 3 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get her something nice, she's angry. Get her something shit or nothing, she's angry. You can't win.


perdix 29

Tell her you loveeeeeee the plastic flower she found on the floor of the bar.

Rather passive aggressive of you. Why would you think getting her something so expensive would make her extremely happy. If you're celebrating an anniversary, then you have been together long enough that you should have a better idea on how to connect with her on an emotional level. Sorry dude, anyone can spend a lot of money, but as far as having a meaningful relationship, you fail.

Why do you instantly assume that just because the present was expensive, it was a superficial thing of him to do? I doubt OP is a millionaire; it might have taken him months to save up for that gift and he might also have had other things planned for their anniversary on top of that. You know NOTHING about this couple or OP, including how much thought went into the gift.

Turn it around on her..."That's all you got me? What the ****!? I guess I don't mean shit to you. I'm taking the necklace back and getting a refund, you goddamn ingrate". I mean he'll, if you are going to fight over it anyway, might as well make her right, and let her feel like shit. She ruined the

AngryBeaver32 8

Yikes. Beware of the crazy bitch. They're a scary species. Women are more emotional than most men, sure, but there are some women who can't be reasoned with or helped. They will break down or flip out about things that your average person wouldn't even think twice about. There is no "time of the month" for them....everyday is crazy bitch time. I feel for ya bro.

sparklecherry 4

This coming from someone with the username Angrybeaver.

Say "it's ok, just make it up to me in sex."

Women are strange beasts. I'm sure she was just overcome by emotion. Expect some good head once she gets over it. Expensive jewelry should always result in good head eventually or you are with the wrong woman.

perdix 29

You need to drop that ingrate and head over to the UK and find that flower-envying bitch in the previous story. You two will be great together -- you'll buy her expensive shit and she'll finally think she is being loved. The problem is that to keep her satisfied, you'll have to plunge yourself hopeless in debt and end up killing yourself. And that won't even make it onto TV, because it's already been done before.

On the plus side, she liked it, because she thinks it's better than the one she gave (unless she gave you a dog turd in a bag or something...) On the minus side... run OP, she's batshit insane.

Darklord53 0

Tell her make up sex will make her gift better :megusta: