By Nickolas Neffster - 05/10/2011 00:14 - United States

Today, I bought my girlfriend a very expensive necklace. I gave it to her thinking she'd be extremely happy. Instead she was mad at me because my gift for our anniversary was better than hers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 111
You deserved it 3 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get her something nice, she's angry. Get her something shit or nothing, she's angry. You can't win.


That sounds like what my girlfriend would do. Actually, she DID did do that for christmas one year.

She just has low self esteem, OP. She wants to be perfect for you. So, when you do something better for her than she does for you, she feels like she's not worthy of you and therefore gets upset. It's basic psychology of LSE. Trust me, I know. You just have to learn how her mind works sometimes. LSE creates irrational thoughts and fears in a person. And most of it is subconsious.

rpal4 0

so ungrateful ... It's the thought that matters .

Wait.... what?... She's mad at you because your gift was better then hers?... What is this I don't even ._.

ThehonestLover 0

It sucks but is partially understandable! She really was probably just upset because she wanted her gift to be important, and yours over shadowed hers.

I may or may not have acted the same way when my boyfriend gave me an expensive necklace for Christmas...... it's not nice to feel guilty!

ahaha that sux all a guy has to get me is MW3 when it comes out! yes im a girl....