By musicgod123 - 29/12/2009 16:56 - France

Today, I bought a $3000 HD camera. It never shipped to my house, so I was concerned. I then realized I had given the seller the address for a house in California. I live in Maine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 092
You deserved it 44 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheComputerGuy96 16

Then why the **** does it say you live in ******* France???


I sort of had this problem before. I moved to Canada, so my mum was shipping some things for me. She sent 3 different boxes, and the guy at UPS heard her wrong when he asked her the postal code, and put down a S instead of an L. It went to a whole other province, even though the city was correct. It bounced back and forth between 3 cities, because they couldn't figure out the address. So don't call out fake, because most post offices just scan the zipcode when they figure out what 'bin' to put it in.

Actually, found an old rant I made about it, this isn't the whole time log thing, it happened more than this: WINNIPEG, MB, CA 09/07/2009 16:12 ARRIVAL SCAN SASKATOON, SK, CA 08/07/2009 20:00 DEPARTURE SCAN 08/07/2009 16:41 EXPORT SCAN REGINA, SK, CA 07/07/2009 18:18 DEPARTURE SCAN WINNIPEG, MB, CA 07/07/2009 18:25 DEPARTURE SCAN 07/07/2009 16:06 ARRIVAL SCAN SASKATOON, SK, CA 06/07/2009 20:00 DEPARTURE SCAN 06/07/2009 16:43 EXPORT SCAN WINNIPEG, MB, CA 03/07/2009 23:30 DEPARTURE SCAN

#34 is right; this is possible and easier to do than you might think. The same situation happened to me before except I gave my address right and the shipper wrote it wrong on the box. Let's say OP lives in Bangor, ME (zip code 04401). He accidentally types "42 Pleasant St., Bangor, ME 94401" for his address. To a human, this is obvious stupidity -- the town is right but the Zip code's screwed up. To a Post Office computer, that camera's going to San Mateo, CA! Of course, the odds of there being a 42 Pleasant St. in Bangor AND in San Mateo are astronomical; the shipper will probably get OP's camera sent back to her with a big red Undeliverable stamp on the box in about a month to a month and a half. During that time, the camera's gonna bounce around from the West Coast, to the East Coast and back again a few more times as the Post Office tries to make sense of the address. So...YDI? Yeah, pretty much. Read carefully before you click next time, mmkay OP?

boatkicker 4

Actually if there si any pleasant street (or road or drive or ave) or anything that sounds or is written like it (pheasant comes to mind, although I doubt there is a pheasant street anywhere.....) they will deliver it to whatever exists that is close to whats written. For example we got a letter once at our house that had the same zip code I lived in on it. Then we looked at the envelope. It was being sent to someone in a different COUNTRY. And the roads did not have the same name. The only thing they had in common was the house number and the zip code, but the street name on the envelope sorta looked like my roads name if you couldn't spell. We put a post it on it saying "Wrong address. Wrong Country" but I don't know if it ever made it back to the intended recipient.


boatkicker 4

In that case, you're my hero. :D

Okay assuming that there happens to be an identical address in a city by the same name in Maine and California, how the hell do you put in the wrong state and zip code that happen to match up. Statistically that is nearly impossible. And if it was an old house that you lived in then you should have the mail in your name forwarded already. So I don't see how this is possible unless you used to live there and if that is the case then, it is no problem. And if it isn't or you didn't forward your mail then you are just a dumbass and YDI.

If it is one of your addresses listed then why would it be a problem for it to be sent there? He obviously knows the person there, lived there, or has shipped something to the person there. If he moved and didn't remove the address that was ignorant. If he sent it without checking the address that was ignorant, especially since he was purchasing such a pricey item. Just curious, how is my argument not sound? You told me that it isn't, but didn't tell me why or how I am wrong.

Read what I said right above you. It goes by zipcode, when the post office is deciding where to send it.

sparkIy 0

zip codes. maine has a "0", followed by numbers & california has a "9" followed by numbers. probably a typo. the post office, seeing the "9" would send it to that place in california (not a city of the same name, but whichever city has the zipcode given) & then be sent back to the shipper because there is no address of that name in california.

Well if it was sent by USPS, yes the first thing scanned would be the zip code, but once it reached that zip code it would be returned for one or more reasons: the city/state/address were wrong or did not exist, or the person that it was addressed to no longer resides at that address. Yes, USPS actually filters through the mail and SHOULDN'T deliver the mail the is addressed to an individual that no longer lives there. (Not all post offices are great about it though.) If it was sent by FedEx or UPS the process is a bit different, but something like that would be sent signed receipt, so he should be able to track it and see if it was delivered, when it was, and since he has there address, contact them. He is still a retard for sending it to the wrong address. Also, you still haven't told me how I am wrong. I read your comment and it in no way negates what I said. Yes, the zip code was wrong and it went back forth, that does not negate what I said. That simply shows that if all that was wrong is the zip code, then the package won't be delivered, and he can call the delivery company and correct it, or it will be returned to sender.

U cant even remember ur own address correctly...? How do u exchange phone numbers successfully???

katie4evr 0

Dude this didn't even happen to you because it's one of the moderates in the more at the bottom!!!!!! you're just trying to come up with an fml because u can't think of one!!!!

Um, that would mean, most likely, that someone else copied this one. There's a thing called time. And unless someone is psychic or can travel through time, they probably didn't read the FML submitted AFTER theirs BEFORE submitting this one. -_-

xxxviii 5

Umm I am gonna call total BS on this one,,a french frog,claiming to live in maine and give some random address in Cali,,,,,,UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM NFW

sparkIy 0

when FML can't determine where you live, they automatically put France (Nord-Du-Pas-Calais).

This is why we go to the store to buy things and not the internet..

YDI no one is that stupid except 4 my brother

alright, to the chump that said ydi for spending 3k on a camera, they clearly don't understand or at least cannot relate on an even plane. I film with a 4k camera myself, even though since it's digital I technically shouldn't call it filming at all lol but that's pretty average cost for a prosumer model, nothing out of the ordinary there. and at least it's functional, compared to the expensive, ridiculous shit other people buy...

exactly! I own a $3k camera also, plus lenses that range from $400-$5k. Obviously most of these people have never ordered online or have ever bought an SLR camera