By musicgod123 - 29/12/2009 16:56 - France

Today, I bought a $3000 HD camera. It never shipped to my house, so I was concerned. I then realized I had given the seller the address for a house in California. I live in Maine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 092
You deserved it 44 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheComputerGuy96 16

Then why the **** does it say you live in ******* France???


this actually happens often. Especially with us, being Military and having 4 addresses in the last 6 years. When you buy from certain websites, you can store your address, multiple addresses, and sometimes you get confused or just think nothing of clicking on the one that says "New Home" address. Yes, deleting old ones would be the smart thing but we sometimes don't get around to it. Also, where we live now, the name of the town reminds us of where we lived in CA a few months ago so we find ourselves either putting (our town), CA or (our town),FL (and the last zip code we had in CA. This has nothing to do with being dumb or stupid, but then again, most of you are are young high school kids who think everything is stupid...

i've had 5 different addresses in the past 2 years. i don't forget to change my addresses on eBay, or any other website. i guess it's because i'm in high school and i think everyone is stu... oh wait, i finished high school 3 years ago. i guess you ARE stupid.

ANY TIME I order something, I always ALWAYS double check the "ship to" address. Have moved around quite a lot too.

your officially the dumbest human on this planet. nuff salad

babyareyoudownn 0

When a FML is posted from a mobile device or iPod, as it has no IP and cannot detect a location it defaults to France If someone has already pointed this out i'm sorry only read the first few comments

GearsFan56 1

How the hell did you ness up that bad?

why the hell r u buying a 3000 dollar camera