By musicgod123 - 29/12/2009 16:56 - France

Today, I bought a $3000 HD camera. It never shipped to my house, so I was concerned. I then realized I had given the seller the address for a house in California. I live in Maine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 092
You deserved it 44 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheComputerGuy96 16

Then why the **** does it say you live in ******* France???


So? Orders over the internet usually are paid for by credit card, meaning you can ask your bank to book the money back. Easily fixable, no big deal. YDI for not knowing your own address and spending $3000 on equipment you obviously are not smart enough for.

Simple question... wtf?! How did you manage to do that? :)

Holy crap that was from you? My parents told me my Grandma sent me that awesome Video Camera.

Today, I received a $3000 HD camera in the mail. I never ordered it. MLIG.

Titantier1 0

You must be a true retard if you know you live in Maine, and yet send your $3000 camera to California... where you don't live, hmmm... stupid much?

caisonaboat 0

Lol, I live in Maine. OP, you must be an idiot. There is no way any mildly intelligent person could have made that mistake.

Twitch304 0