By anonymous - 20/04/2016 03:09 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, I asked a short girl to prom by making a "You must be this tall to say no" sign. She grabbed a chair, stood on it, and then said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 880
You deserved it 30 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like your plan fell a little short of the mark


BillysBurgers 5

At that point you were just asking for it.

Yeah telling a girl she can't say no is not a good way to score a date

Hey if she doesn't appreciate a good joke then you should be glad she said no because jokes are more romantic than anything else

Yeah, no. That.....just no. Sorry abour your luck, kid. Maybe something sweet next time? Or not condescending? Or rape-y?

My guy friends used to use my head as an arm rest when they stood so this would have felt super unoriginal to me. Not offensive but just another short joke. Next time base it on something the girl likes instead of a feature they can't change? May get better results.

You guys are such goddamn ******* it's a joke, get over it. All these SJW's on here are worse than tumblr.

Idk about her but I'm pretty self conscious about my height

Yeahh I think making fun of her height, even if you didn't intend for it to be insulting, was a deal breaker

Because mocking someone will surely make them say yes... Take the prom ticket money and buy some common sense