By squirts - 27/11/2013 04:42

Today, I arrived home after leaving for college in August. My dad figured that the most appropriate way to welcome me back was a loud, piercing fart right when I walked through the front door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 209
You deserved it 5 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

Peter griffin doing this to Meg, anyone? Lol. What a douche thing to do.

That's just how he shows his love warmly.


There is people out there dying of hunger. Just be glad you are at home.

Some dads just have their way of saying hi, glad your home ;). Sorry OP

Anyone else impressed about the timing issue involved with a loud fart? I'm impressed by OP's fathers ability to let em fly on demand!

I don't want to label this as "your life sucks" or " you deserved it" just as "SO WHAT, why did you bother posting this"

That's so funny! I could see my dad doing that! #lol