By idontevengetpaid - 05/09/2016 04:35 - Brazil - Rio De Janeiro

Today, I arrived at my internship at 7 am after three hours of sleep with a massive hangover. When I got there, my boss told me he had made a mistake and I was meant to come in next week. He then said, "Well, now that you're here, you might as well get some work done. Come in next week as well." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 145
You deserved it 15 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jentrynicole 20

You probably shouldn't have been drinking heavily the night before you were supposed to go in. Even if your boss told you the wrong week, clearly you thought you were supposed to work.

You most absolutely deserved this. You drank, you stayed out all night. YDI.


If youre not getting paid for both days, fyl and talk to hr. If you are... Well, you deserve it for drinking so much,

Wait, if its an unpaid internship..., ydi. I mean, really?

I don't think the system should force people to do work without getting anything that supports them potentially for long hours just so they can have the idea of experience needed so they can have the resources they need to exist.

cootiequeen4444 11

well technically no one is /forced/ to do an internship, whether paid or unpaid. I find the existence of unpaid internships to be kinda shady myself. But when having to chose between doing an unpaid internship versus no internship at all, I sure as he'll chose actually having an internship. no paid option as I could not get a paid one to accept me (naturally everyone wants the paid ones so they are harder to get into). Sometimes life is not fair and, unfortunately, that is incidentally just part of life.

I'd rather starve to death than have to dignify the existence of grueling work with getting the nebulous idea of experience for it.

mariri9206 32

24, they don't deserve it if it's just an unpaid internship. They deserve it if it's an unpaid internship, a paid internship, or a job. They totally deserve it because they knew they had to work early and decided to be completely irresponsible and go out drinking and drink so much that they got hungover the next day. Even though they were misinformed about the actual start date and weren't aware of that until they showed up, OP still knew they had to be at work early in the morning and, while going out is fine, they should've limited how much they drank so that this didn't happen.

YDI. Isn't it also in most contracts that it is against company policy to work under the influence of drugs or alcohol? You would 100% still have that booze in your system. Even if you were fired over this FML I would say YDI!

Well, internships are about learning. I hope you learned a valuable lesson -- how to work all day with a massive hangover!

FalloutScrolls 25

If you thought you had to work, why were you drinking the night before and leaving yourself only 3 hours of sleep? YDI.

It's just an internship. Not like it has anything to do with your future or anything.

man i'd kill to have a job. I've put in over twenty applications and I have even got a call back. You should be grateful,

You do expect actual provisions for it instead of just a nebulous concept of experience, right?

You completely deserved that one. Drinking to the point of being hungover like that when you have to work at 7am? You're lucky you didn't lose your job.

OP staying out doesn't affect the boss's mistake. Can they really do that in an internship? Paid or unpaid?

Se você tinha que trabalhar no dia seguinte, por que ficou a noite inteira enchendo a cara? Isso é uma puta falta de profissionalismo.

If you cannot avoid drinking the night before you are to start a new job (paid or unpaid) then you have a problem. At the same time it paints the perfect picture of you if you're at the point where you need an internship when clearly you're old enough to drink then you should of had the education to get into something you do care about...or did you post another FML about those annoying exams cutting into your drinking? YDI leave the internship for people that actually want to make something of their lives.