By getmeoutofthiscountry - 19/07/2013 19:06 - United States

Today, I agreed to lend my daughter's inflatable pool to my neighbor for the day. Barely an hour later, I witnessed his son jump off their balcony, missing the pool by inches. He's now in hospital, and my neighbor has sworn to sue me, saying I'm responsible because the pool is mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 142
You deserved it 4 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Counter sue him for the distress and trauma that you and your pool suffered from having to watch it.


nothing to worry about, he will never win in court anyways.

gavagoul 10

People like your neighbor makes me want to strangle them.

Irresponsible parents will always find a way to blame others for their own stupidity, even if it makes them look incredibly ridiculous; they won't ever admit they ****** up and endangered their own child's life with their negligence... I guess the guilt would be too much to handle, so they make excuses or force someone else to take responsibility. It's just plain selfish; they deny the truth just to make themselves feel better. Bottom line: your kid = your responsibility. FYL for sure!

undertaker1099 2

you don't have to worry about anything. its her fault for letting her kid jump.

You should sue him for almost damaging your pool. What if your son actually made the jump, he could have busted it up! The bottom line is, if he's gonna unreasonably sue you, you must unreasonable sue him! Why? 'Cause this is 'MURICA!

Spring2013Bio 3

I'm sure there are warnings on the box, so see what it says, I'm pretty sure that it says something about NOT diving in. Plus you never encouraged him to jump from the roof.

kmm316 9

Wow this is sad. Almost as bad as the guy suing apple because he said his Mac made him addicted to pornography.

ah sue him for having a son That stupid!

Pyro_Wolf 17

The kid might be cured of stupidity now. I did something similar, jumped off my deck....last year (yep, I was an idiot). I broke my ankle and was on crutches/wheelchair for ~2 months. My stupidity was cured pretty damn quickly, so hopefully the kid's is too.

ArtinHopar 16

I wouldn't worry about it. If he was on his own property it's all his responsibility. he better have a pretty damn good lawyer to win that case in court.