By nomorexbox - 26/04/2011 19:20 - United States

Today, I actually heard my 14 year old son muse to himself, "If I can drive drunk in Grand Theft Auto, how hard could it be in real life?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 054
You deserved it 13 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just about every teenager I know has been playing M games since they were like 10... I guarantee you 85% of all Call of Duty players are below 18..-_-


bzett 0

I bet he does good in school!

littledrummerboy_fml 0

your fault for lettin him play

It all depends on your looks. I'm 18, but I'be been told I look like i'm 14. I always get carded for everything.

123. is that because you're a prostitute? or because you just have your masturbation toys laying around in random places?

every1luvsvag 10

I like to drink right before going to a funpark. It makes the go-carts way more fun...

It's actually safer to drive drunk than it is to drive tired. Mythbusters Approved!

every1luvsvag 10

Allow me to correct the original post. "Is he also out beating hookers?"

193 while it would allow him to learn his lesson, drunk driving Is extremely dangerous and could result in death to him or others so that is a terrible idea.