By nomorexbox - 26/04/2011 19:20 - United States

Today, I actually heard my 14 year old son muse to himself, "If I can drive drunk in Grand Theft Auto, how hard could it be in real life?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 055
You deserved it 13 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just about every teenager I know has been playing M games since they were like 10... I guarantee you 85% of all Call of Duty players are below 18..-_-


This is why parents should talk to their under 17 years of age kids about the games they allow them to play that are mature rated. Not all kids are smart and are able to tell the difference between real and fiction when it comes to video games. Especially since there are people in the world who are just like characters from GTA. Kids think to themselves "Well everyone else is doing it so I'm going to avoid all common sense and try it" or "This game is so awesome, I must try this in real life. Whats the worst that can happen?" Parents just blindly buy their kids these games and don't bother actually talking about how the things in the game can turn out if it were real life.

Taylorrrrr 0

When I bought Black Ops, the guy knew I was underage and scanned his coworkers ID instead:) It's not hard to get away with that stuff!

oliveindamiddle 0

He's 14 years old. By that age he should know better. If he was 4, alright, but 14? Everyone blaming the videogames on that has no idea. Those games consider that, by a certain age, our brain already has the function to seperate between reality and fantasy appropiatly and not putting it on the same level. Your son is definately NOT able to, so I assume you have a job to do there, or he's ending up doning...I don't even know all the possibilities, GTA alone has many of those, leave alone other games or movies, books, or simply stuff he heard about. I can't decide wether this is your fault, for having been unable to teach the kid his lessons or wether it's a FYL because you have to go to your teenage kid, teaching him the lessons of a 3-year-old.

Wow. I actually played this game last year when I was 14 too (the one with Niko Bellic, I think it was IV) anyways, it made me want to become a New York city cop. I started studying criminal law, criminal justice, politics, criminal history, famous criminals etc... I can now also relate To New York because GTA gave a very informative layout of the NY parts (EX:Hove beach=Brighton Beach, Russian Mafia HQ) I didn't know that before. So I learned GOOD stuff from the game also. You wouldn't believe how many laws I learned (Grand Larceny, Racketeering, etc) all because crime was the focal point. And when people say,"It's the video game's fault!" That's the equivalent of saying it's McDonald's fault because you're obese. It's the kid's fault for being impressional off such an unrealistic just like it's the person's fault for eating McDonald's all of the time and becoming overweight.

Why'd you give him a game like GTA then?

has anyone else picked up on the fact her 14 yr old son was drunk!!! u day she is a bad mum for letting him play a video game what about allowing him to be drunk at 14!!!!!!!

There's no way he was drunk because if he was, he wouldn't be so confident driving let alone walking at that age. The kid was insinuating and assuming that it's easy because he saw it on a video game. A. The kid had all of his senses when he played the game. B. It's a ******* video game. You can outrun 15 police cars, 6 armoured trucks, 2 helicopters, and 10 unmarked cars all at the same time if you're good enough. Try that in real life. C. You can get shot like 20 times before dying. This game wasn't made to be realistic. Sadly, the vast majority of my generation and teens these days are so influential by whatever they see on the TV, the music they listen to, the games they see etc... Having sex, getting drunk, breaking laws, and being lazy are the most popular topics on TV today. and if kids are being influenced by this... well, you probably see where I'm going with this I started to lose my hope in humanity when all of my classmates talked about how Jersey Shore was the perfect life and the greatest show. I officially lost hope when everyone tried to mimic the characters on that show. I fear the future...

ur completely spot on. I personally loved every word of your rant... today's society has fallen through and that plus this new found tv influences have shaped the teens and kids of this generation into fake violent and most of all completely disrespectful to adults!!