By nomorexbox - 26/04/2011 19:20 - United States

Today, I actually heard my 14 year old son muse to himself, "If I can drive drunk in Grand Theft Auto, how hard could it be in real life?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 054
You deserved it 13 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just about every teenager I know has been playing M games since they were like 10... I guarantee you 85% of all Call of Duty players are below 18..-_-


RuskiManBearPig 4

it ain't.....j.k. explain to him that it's never that easy. BUT do not under any circumstances take away his grand theft auto especially if it's 4

ComradeSean94 0

This FML reminded me that I still need to go get my drivers licence. At the very least GTA made him want to do that rather then steal a car, or rob a store, or shoot a hooker, or join a gang...not that driving drunk is good, it could just be worse.

who ever got that game for him or even said yes he can but it.. they TDI kids get ideas like this from games like that

that's what you get for letting him play that video game

wow I was plaing gta at the age of hmmm. I can't remember I think I was 5 whenever the first one came out on ps1 I am 16 so you do the math I own all the gta games and don't even play them because they bore me I'd rather play halo or l4d 2 or maybe cod anyways I have been playing gta since it first came out so shut up it's not the game it's the kids playing the game note the word GAME as in NOT REAL

really, if your son believes that grand theft auto is in any way realistic, he shouldn't be let behind the wheel of a car regardless if he is sober or not..

I'm 13 and I've bought M rated games on my own when I was 11 the people in my city don't care

really, if your son believes that grand theft auto is in any way realistic, he shouldn't be let behind the wheel of a car regardless if he is sober or not..

tell him that in grand theft auto u can drive a car off of a 20 story building and live and its just not that easy in real life