By Optimus_Prime97 - 03/05/2012 02:39 - United States

Today, I accidentally adopted a dolphin for $125. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 933
You deserved it 31 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YdoIhaveAchode 4

How do you "accidentally" adopt a dolphin?

waresjake 3

You're going to get so many bitches with a dolphin


Well, can tell each other jokes and share secrets...or it'll try and drown you.

challan 19

It's not trying to drown him... That's making sweet dolphin love. He's all worked up after sharing jokes and secrets.

Awww I have a dolphin too!! Only mine is in tattoo form.....

cakeddeath 1

You've obviously read one of the comments from #1.

emstar828 4

King of the Hill-dolphin sex!

dixiefoxx 22

How did you manage that..? Oh well, dolphins are awesome :)

Where are you going to let it stay? In your bathtub? I want my own dolphin too!! It's awesome

He doesn't actually get to keep the dolphin, his money just goes towards helping it

Exactly. When people adopt highways do you think they take them home?

Of course not, you bring your home to the highway and make the front porch a Toll Booth.

I kinda was joking... To actually buy a dolphin would probably cost a whole lot more, I get that lol

I'm also pretty sure it's illegal to buy a dolphin.

MidNiteT0kr 0

At least your helping the dolphin and your money is going somewhere good : ) Also people commenting on OP owning the dolphin and where there gonna keep it, it stays where it is just that OP's money is going towards helping it

MerrikBarbarian 9

Thank god, someone with brains! I was planning to say the same thing. Honestly people :p

ergo_fml 13

Yes seriously... Even if you could "buy" a dolphin it definitely wouldn't be that cheap!

Seriously, donating money to help wildlife is hardly the worst thing in the world.

I hope you plan on eating it. That's all they're good for.

hellbilly205 17

What the **** is wrong with you?