By Anonymous - 31/12/2013 07:52 - United States - Bend

Today, feeling too lazy to cook dinner, I bought a bagged salad from a low-end store. I dumped the contents into a bowl; the first thing that fell out was a dead mouse. Bon appetit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 518
You deserved it 6 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Justification to sue. Low end or not, that's unsanitary.

I was thinking of suing their wallets, that way I wouldnt get anymore shit from them.


That's nasty. However I wouldn't sue the store. if there were no holes in the package you should sue the company that makes the salad because the mose probably got into it before it ever reached the store...

Never again will you want to eat bagged salad

You can actually sue under a negligence act.

buttcramp 21

my grandfather once bought some deli meat at the grocery store that was supposed to be resealable and it wasn't because of where the "tear here" was. he wrote a very polite letter to the company just to make them aware. he never asked for anything (not his money back or a new product for free) and every year on the date of the letter they send him wheels of cheese and an assortment of meats. just something to think about lol

coldstar 15

Most likely the mouse snuck into the bag and died without being noticed by anyone until the bag was opened. The store probably knew nothing about it. Still FYL though.

bring the dead mouse to them and sue them

You shall hence forth be known as DeadMau7h, you'll be an underground food critic before eventually making your way into mainstream cuisine. :)