By Anonymous - 31/12/2013 07:52 - United States - Bend

Today, feeling too lazy to cook dinner, I bought a bagged salad from a low-end store. I dumped the contents into a bowl; the first thing that fell out was a dead mouse. Bon appetit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 518
You deserved it 6 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Justification to sue. Low end or not, that's unsanitary.

I was thinking of suing their wallets, that way I wouldnt get anymore shit from them.


You should've taken it back and been like, "there isn't a fly in my soup, but there's a mouse in my salad. "(:

With the money you'll get from suing, you can hire a personal chef.

That's gross...we'll take It back or something...or never by from there again...

When I lived in VA, a local lady went to McDonald's for chicken nuggets. She pulled a fried chicken head out of the box. When she took it to court the judge threw the case out since the first thing she did was go to the media and online with it. He figured she couldn't have been all that traumatized if she was posing with it.

They should have charged you extra for the added calories lol On the plus side they'll be more "extras" lmao

martin8337 35

I would have had a heart attack! Me thinks a lawsuit would be in order.