By Anonymous - 14/09/2009 22:22 - United States

Today, during a major fight with my boyfriend, I threw a necklace he had given me out the window, thinking it was just a cheap trinket. He then told me, for the first time, that that necklace had belonged to his now deceased grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 205
You deserved it 719

Top comments

Never give that kind of stuff to girlfriends, save it for the wives.

amiamazing 0

Wow, you really are an ungrateful bitch for doing that. It was just a fight.


Bahh..even if she deservse it, he doesnt. o-o FHisL..Not yours. :/

Gabby125 0

the illustration sucks, i don't like how the girl's grammar is way off...seems really racist to me

Bad illustration. Unfortunately, it broke the chain of all the last few good illustrations. Thanks a lot artist.

foryoublue94 0

Illustration makes me hate her more

hawt_leah_foshiz 0

The illustration uses ignorant use of the English language and I hate it.

Awful. looks like it was drawn on paint and they massacred the English language. Yuck.