By Lily - 08/01/2011 16:01 - United States

Today, during a dinner party, some friends brought up how sweet, innocent and caring they thought I was. I had to sit there as my drunk boyfriend cut them off and loudly argue that I was neither sweet nor innocent, and really nothing that special at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 950
You deserved it 4 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, as the Romans said, "in vino veritas." In wine there is truth. So, at least now you know what your boyfriend *really* thinks about you.

taylershea 0


Wow, people are stupid when they drink but that guy is a freaking asshole. Dump his ass.! You're probably a really sweet and caring person like your friends say you are

In all honesty, he's known you for four years so I assume he knows you very well and, regardless if being drunk, was telling the truth... Alternatively you could kick him in the nuts

He knows you better than the other guys and drunk people blurt out the truth

Oo0kissez0oO 0

Ppl are dumb... Alot of ppl like to argue when they are drunk it has nothing to do with the truth ... Anywho... I know you been with him for a min.. But it's time for you to know your worth :)

What the hell! Dump his jerk-y ass! But at least you have good friends

I've never described a mentally competent adult as "innocent" so I'm inclined to believe your bf is correct. Our SOs see the real us, especially if you cohabitate. However, he should not treat you like that and to do so in public shows an incredible lack of judgement or extreme confidence. It was highly inconsiderate and those types of behaviour don't change. I rarely say this but it's time to get out of that relationship.

sourgirl101 28

IF, a lot of people have a dark side that only the SO "would" see. I knew a guy that came across as sweet and shy only to later find out he likes to hang himself with hooks from his back and stuff. Never would I have thought of him as that type of person. He was so soft spoken and everything. Ever heard of the expression "Beware of the quiet ones"?(:

Exactly, sg. Even if the bf is a class A douche, he probably knows her better than her friends. Airing her dirty laundry in public makes him a rotten bf though and not particularly worth holding on to. She should find a new bloke to spring her secret self on.

sourgirl101 28

'Spring her secret self on'. I like that.(:

roaminginsomniac 0

I do hope you told him that he was no longer important to you, and you got rid of him. If you didn't get rid of him, expect him to continue to insult you.

u need to dump that mother ******* ass no boyfriend should ever say that being drunk is a weak sauce excuse