By Anonymous - 21/04/2015 15:40 - United States - Ann Arbor

Today, despite having a stomach bug, I went into work, as my boss is overseas and had warned me not to take any sick leave until she returned. After 4 hours and vomiting twice, I left. She found out and sent me an email bitching me out for coming in sick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 361
You deserved it 2 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kindly remind her of what she told you before she left, and then finish the sentence by mumbling "bitch" under your breath. that'll teach her!

Well, I'm sure if SHE had a stomach bug, she'd call in sick! What a jerk. Feel better soon, OP!


Technically, it's her fault. Just say, so I can't call in sick, but I can't come to work sick? Make up your mind! Then walk away, LIKE A BOSS

In the bitch boss mind: sick leave: you are bad come in sick: you are bad Only possible conclusion: whenever you are sick,you are bad Hope you get well soon OP;)

The same exact thing happened to me and I was the person in charge of making food! It's disgusting and makes you never want to go back to work.

Tell her although you were sick SHE told her to come in.

Can never make the boss people happy! >.

gintwinsmoore 20

a company is not loyal to it's employees because it can't be...but you have a life to live. live it. don't go in to work sick. get yourself well first next time. you can't help anyone if you're not well. so, ydi.

She seems like a condescending bitch. Sorry you have to deal with that. Hope you feel better soon.

She shouldn't talk to you like that at all

wickedhyype 17

Ever played the game "beat the boss"? Quite therapeutic

Helldemon 32

Also "beat the co-worker who ratted you out 5 seconds after you left" could be fun too...