By forever_young - 13/05/2016 13:03 - United States - Rochester

Today, despite being in high school, I'm still shorter than the average 3rd grader. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 941
You deserved it 1 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One of the coolest people I know is really short. Granted, he's Tyrian Lannister, a fictitious character I've never actually met, but still.

I know how you feel op, I'm 22 and only 4'10"!


I know how you feel, same thing happens to me but the third grader is my neighbor, so I'm reminded every time I see her.

I know how you feel OP. I'm 18 and 4' 9". My 7 year old niece is as tall as me.

It's ok I am to I'm 26 and my baby sister is 4 inches taller then me and she is 10 years old

Jenbearish 23

I'm 30 and only 5 foot. My boss' 5 year old is almost as tall as me. I know those feels.

Despite being over high school age, I'm 4'9 and a half. The half helps my crippling depression.

It's okay, OP. You're not alone. I'm in my twenties and there are seventh graders taller than me.

Look at the bright side, you can go as different dwarfs for 7 years halloween! Welcome to the club! btw

It's ok, a 17-year-old I used to work with at a local store (I left about a month ago to stay at home) is the same height at my 8-year-old, who is huge for his age (in size 12 clothes).