By forever_young - 13/05/2016 13:03 - United States - Rochester

Today, despite being in high school, I'm still shorter than the average 3rd grader. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 941
You deserved it 1 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One of the coolest people I know is really short. Granted, he's Tyrian Lannister, a fictitious character I've never actually met, but still.

I know how you feel op, I'm 22 and only 4'10"!


How is this an FML? I'm 42 and shorter than most 3rd graders. As evidenced when I work as a substitute teacher or help at my sons school. Who cares? You're short. Embrace it!

Height isn't everything hun. I'm basically 5' 10" ... but most of the actual nice guys I've dated were closer to 5 foot. nothing wrong with being tall or short. it's all in your confidence level and personality. you are prefect as you are.

check you aren't a celiac as it can stunt growth? My mate was diagnosed in his teens and as soon as he stopped eating gluten he rocketed up an extra foot in height!

don't think it sucks. love it. own it. you're awesome.