By I hate my job - 08/06/2013 22:20 - United States

Today, at work, a customer came in and ordered a "Butterbeer Frappuccino." When I said we serve no such thing, she yelled at me for "lying" to her, saying she knew about our "secret menu." She ended up complaining to my manager and demanded that he fire me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 907
You deserved it 4 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'll take a polyjuice potion and a blueberry muffin.

You're such a muggle. The secret menu is only visible to wizards and witches.


Kc1001 14

that should be a drink though.

sydd24 3
Glacial_fml 3

What the Hell is a Butterbeer?

NaraKitsune 1

Ugghhh. A "secrete menu" at starbucks. Why does this reek of hipsters that only order from this menu, because it's not "known?" Like I know almost every fast food place has a small group of "offical" items that are not on the menu, but why doesn't it surprise me that starbucks has a whole "secret" menu.

Don't you hate it when people accuse you of having a "secret menu"? All it means is that a barista somewhere made a particular drink while experimenting that they thought was good. That doesn't mean every employee everywhere magically knows about it and how to make it!

I f*cking hate people who are stupid enough to think up sh*t like that.

There is a fan website for Starbucks that has drink creations on it it's call Starbucks secret menu...

YDI Never get in the way of a woman and her Butterbeer Frappacino. I'll take one of those with a tub of No-Melt Ice Cream :)

I'm a supervisor at Starbucks, and I think that the secret menu is bullshit. I can't count how many times I've been yelled at by people cuz I don't know what a Butterbeer or a Snickers Frapp is. We are in NO WAY obligated to learn these recipes.