By howprofessional - 06/09/2013 21:23 - United States - Dearborn

Today, at a job interview, I was asked what I thought of twerking. It was a bizarre question, but trying to get on the interviewer's good side, I said I thought it was pretty cool. He snorted and said I'll be job-seeking for a while yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 922
You deserved it 47 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He was probably just afraid that you would start randomly twerking against walls... and doors... and windows... and water coolers... and people in the office. It can be a bit distracting.

That's when you should have said "I thought you said weekend working."


caitiebug1119 15

I have yet to understand what's "pretty cool" about everyone practicing their stripper meets rap video "dance" moves in public. Maybe it's because I'm the whitest white girl on Earth, but I don't see what's the point.

As a white girl, you should have more desire to twerk, seeing the majority of twerk videos are of white girls...

He was afraid you'd pull a Miley Cyrus.

FYL for this, but if someone asks you something like that, call them out on sexual harassment. Interviews should stick to the job qualifications. Twerking is not something a professional should be even mentioning to a potential employee.

How is asking an opinion considered sexual harassment?

14- Let me guess. You think op should sue them for it too? It wasn't something that needed to be in the interview but that definitely isn't sexual harassment.

#14: I get the feeling that you're that one person who takes everything too far...

threer 30

It is, however, unfair. (Irony)

perdix 29

What if she was applying to be a stripper? Huh?

This is correct. Your personal life is off-limits during a job interview, especially anything of a sexual nature, unless it's somehow relevant. To then openly admit that the answer negatively impacted your prospects IS grounds for a winning lawsuit.

The_9th_Doctor 18

that kind of dancing is a disease

That's what you get for trying to get a job with billy ray cyrus

I JUST saw a video of a girl who caught on fire from doing that. It was on the news saying how it needs to stop. I agree. It is very stupid looking.

I'm pretty sure the dancing was not the reason she caught fire unless she doused herself in gasoline prior and her thighs rub together really hard while doing it.

1dvs_bstd 41

YDI, what part of twerking is cool? Today i was on an entertain news site and watched a twerking video where the idiotic attention seeking bimbo was twerking against a door with ******* candles on the table that was very close to the door.. her roommate opens the door and viola, she catches on fire. God help our generation.

#23 aha! I already mentioned that video! It was the one on the news. Yay me.

graceinsheepwear 33

26, your first comment was fine; your second one is pathetic. Boo you.

26. don't be that guy that gets super defensive about their comments, it's not cool.

KingCeltic77 18

What kind of job were you interviewing for that you would need to like twerking?

sammyjanette 17

Some people ruin everything. Twerking was just for parties. Now, every granny on the street is talking about it, and how it "ruins" society.