By vet1 - 11/07/2013 15:18 - South Africa - Pretoria

Today, as part of my veterinary degree, I had to demonstrate how to jerk off a dog in front of my entire class. Afterwards, the lecturer said that I have the 'magic touch'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 629
You deserved it 7 345

Top comments

Wtf did I just read? You had to toss off a dog?

I'm trying to figure out when you would actually need to know how to do this...


Since when do they teach that in class? Who would want to learn how to touch a dog in his groin and jerk him off? So weird

Let this be a lesson to those of you thinking of becoming a vet.

Unless you're the class dog that gets jerked off all day, then I guess it's not that bad.

I don't think I want to be a vet anymore

A lot of people don't realize what a big part of veterinary medicine jerking a dog off is. I hope the dog was at least grateful.

This is definitely something you would want to tell to these people...

I don't understand why you would need to know how to make a dog come ?

Funnyguyproblems 1
AnimeGirl1 10

Well, a vets gotta do what a vets gotta do.