By Baskets-Tailleur - 07/07/2014 06:58 - France

Today, as I was putting on sports shoes to get to a job interview in a hurry, a man ran past me and grabbed my formal shoes while shouting, "Ninja!" Try explaining to the guy at the interview why I was wearing sneakers with a skirt suit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 479
You deserved it 41

Top comments

TheKingKen 22

Clearly, he's not a real ninja. Real ninjas would've left you standing there, wondering where your shoes went


Clearly you deserve it for not leaving the house earlier. For ANYTHING important, you should leave early enough so that it's impossible for you to be late unless you get hit by a car or something.

She could have had previous appointments before the interview. You don't know. Clearly she did the right thing and anticipated it because she brought running shoes with her.

I hope the guy at the interview had a good sense of humor!

In years to come you will look back and find the incident quite hilarious. Did you get the job?

So what did the interviewer say? One time I had no other option but to wear pink converse to an interview and the interviewer complimented me on them.

I hope you got the job anyway. Good luck!

MisterGone 1

Are you sure that ninja wasn't Remi Gaillard?

marieeecc 9

You had your sports shoes on, you should've ran after him!

so just to be clear your plan was to run to your job interview in july? great call I know I always hire in order of who is most sweaty to least.

I'd rather you make the effort and be sweaty and try to clean up then take your time and be late to the interview.

Axel5238 29

Strange man, kinda wondering what he did with the shoes. Though given he yelled "ninja" i'm going to guess somehow the though stealing your stuff was a prank of some sort. Maybe on the weekends the throws bread at people in clubs.Or it could be his got incredible foot fetish. The world may never know.