By Anonymous - 11/05/2010 15:04 - Netherlands

Today, an old lady asked me the way to the shopping mall. The shopping mall was not too far away, but I could see that the lady could barely walk so I offered to drive her there. She smacked my car's door into a pole while getting in my car. She didn't even notice that she'd done something wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 762
You deserved it 5 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not sure about it being an fml moment. but maybe you shoulda opened the door for her. chivalry anyone?


adrii09 0

wow! that def posted in the wrong spot! lol :/

DreamingintheSun 0

YDI for helping old people. Ew.

squirrelygrl 0

to 110, dreamingofdouchebags, you suck! who the **** uses the word ew? you must be a little 10 yr. old immature piece if shit. have a great day, dreamingofcrabinfestedgoatsballs!

at least you were kind enough to give her a ride karma will look up in your future Hun

And that's why you should never help old people.

How I love old ladies :D f u anti-flood -.-

bjm94 0

what does op mean? and number one is right.

colbyG425 0

I was sure to get laid but ended up helpinng babysit,6 little minians

Sorry Colby feel your pain same shit happened to me once but it was four kids not six