By SadFoxLady - 10/06/2013 18:01 - United States - Des Moines

Today, after years of researching and saving money, I got a pet fox. I was able to enjoy the majesty of the animal for three hours before it burrowed under the fence and ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 778
You deserved it 55 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mpj13 8

Listen Doc, there is such a thing as "domesticated foxes" just like cats and dogs had to be domesticated through breeding, training, and human interaction. If you do your research like OP did you would know that domesticated foxes make better pets than most cats & dogs because they have the best traits of both. If anything I blame OP for not installing a deep rooted fence because foxes at notorious diggers.


DYI. You clearly did NOT do enough reseach or you would know although yes, you can have them as pets it is not suggested to do so. It is sort ot cruel to keep them as such. Also why didn't you have your yard properly set up for the animal? If you really had researched them, you would have.

How is it cruel? They were bred and raised to be pets! It would be much more cruel to release a domestic fox into the wild as they have no survival skills!

DYI? "Deserved you it"? Yoda you are not, my friend. Also, I get the feeling that OP really just meant something like "researching where to get them and who has the lowest price".

Foxes are pests anyway really. I can't stand them

adonna2000 2

After years of research? I think not. One of the first things they tell you to do if you are going to keep a fox as a pet if it's going to be outside is to bury the fencing at least 3 feet in the ground because they like to dig so much....and escape. Better luck next time.

I know its temping to a lot of people to have wild animals as pets. But foxes should not be kept as pets, they keep their instincts, which means they want to be out running free, hunting for food, making a den, mating etc. Foxes are not like dogs, they are still wild animals, even if you got it from a "breeder".

there have been domestic foxes for over 50 years, they are actually sweeter than dogs in most cases.


I have a pet fox. His name is Alpha, and he is the reason I exist.

what did the fox say?runrunrunrunrun away runrunrunrunrun away

Foxes aren't pets. Pure and simple. They shouldn't have been domesticated in the first place. Hell it's even cruel to keep some cats locked inside. is it "too late"? We, and the world around us, are constantly changing. Evolving. Anyone who has at least half a brain, and went to sixth grade Life Science should know this.