By instinct - 12/06/2013 03:06 - Australia - Doncaster East

Today, after years of faking pleasure with my boyfriend, I visited the gynaecologist. As soon as she touched my privates I instinctively let out a fake moan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 817
You deserved it 78 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why fake pleasure? Why not try to teach your boyfriend how to pleasure you, instead of trucking him into thinking he's doing ok. Kind of defeats the purpose for sex.


pengin 13

Wow YDI so badlyyyyy. And your first fail, faking it-- just made a new fail as you embarrassed yourself at the gynecologist!! Further, you must've been faking for a long ass time to be that automatic; if you actually cared about your SO, you would waited so long to tell them the truth (although we can assume you STILL haven't). YDI

Lucky7Samson 10

How can you not know how to make yourself ******? These comments on here be so goofy.

Guys can suffer from a similar thing. If they can't get an erection they dislike it because they can't satisfy their loved one, which they really wanna do!! So, this is a normal respons but if this problem persists, I would recommend help... You should enjoy sex!! I wish you the very best and hope you can ignore these comments above!

don't fake it >.> don't you want to have an actual ****** instead of a take one....?

She probably didn't want to hurt him. I know what it's like having a bf who doesn't know what to do, and I've been trying to teach him for months.

guess who's a lesbian? that's actually kinda sexy.

Just tell him if ur not having pleasure , tell him where he could be better