By NotCollegeBound - 20/08/2015 07:21 - United States - Butler

Today, after working incredibly hard to get into college without having to take out loans, classes started. I was told we'll need a $200 piece of software, and we'll fail without it. There's no way I can afford it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 896
You deserved it 2 190

NotCollegeBound tells us more.

Hey guys, OP here! I did consider pirating the software but I know there's a good chance of running into buggy software if I do so, and I'd rather not have to scramble to find something else if it quits on me in the middle of a lesson. The instructor's looking to see if there are any computers on-campus that already have the software installed, but that ruins the point of taking online classes, and there's no guarantee that even if she finds some, they'll be available on the days that I can get there. It turns out I'm going to need the software again for two more classes, though I can take them both in the same semester to make it easier on myself. I can also rent it for about $20/month, which is probably going to be the option we take once we can shift some of the bills around. I'm going to need it this semester (my first) and in my third semester, so it'll help save some of the cost. On the upside, though, it means we'll be using the same textbook for all three classes, so there's a little money saved there as well. I really think that the biggest suck was not telling us beforehand, because my husband and I had the money a few weeks ago. When we discovered that it was extra money, we decided to drop our 1-year-old off at my grandparents' and take ourselves out on a long-awaited (as in, we hadn't been out since before our daughter was born) date night. If I had known that I would need that money for the software, you can guarantee that we would have saved it!

Top comments

Loans might be needed in this situation.

Don't actually listen to me I give terrible advice


american college at its finest. i feel your pain...

Get the software cracked and for free ;)

OP you could torrent the software and not pay a cent. just sayin.

theamazingd 17

If a teacher is gonna do this, they aught to give you fair warning. I've had to do last minute course swaps because the teacher sends out a huge book/supplies list a day or two before the class. It's bull.

Lightning_Farron 11

Ask your parents to buy it. It shouldn't be too much to ask

Passing through older FML's. I'm a student worker in the computer department at my college. Most colleges have legal obligations to provide you with the software required for any course at your college, regardless of what campus it's offered at, online or otherwise. Usually it would be in the library, and you're ask for it there. Last semester I when through this, and the professor locked me out of the online class after not completing the first assignment, because I didn't have the software. I was charged $742 for the class, and I contested it with the main campus. I provided a statement from a coworker in the computer department, and from the library, ascertaining the software I needed wasn't provided to me, and I was forgiven. I refuse to take out a loan, and I'm going on my fourth year. Talk to your campus' ombudsman, grievance counselor, and financial adviser, and don't stop. Also, look at every professor available that will be teaching the course you need for that semester, and individually email each one, asking what materials are required. Yes, shop around for the cheapest class to get the degree you want. I hope you read this, or find this out some other time before you need this again.