By soldierboy - 30/08/2010 00:39 - United States

Today, after nearly 2 years of continuous fighting in Afghanistan, my unit came home. We were booed at the airport. FML
I agree, your life sucks 141 746
You deserved it 13 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments

E_breaker 0

well screw them. thanks for serving our country. =D

Thank you for serving our country! Don't let people like that get you down. There are way more of us who are proud, honored and grateful!


this is one of the worst fmls ever, but regardless, yay for you being home!!!!

I'll cheer for you from Holland to you. :)

trouble13 0

wow **** them. glad ur home safe :)

brt1396 0

thats just plain disrespectful! soldiers risk their lives every day and these ingrates cant have the decensy to respect you. I don't believe in any of the decisions the US has been making lately, but that's doesn't mean I'd blame he soldiers. Youre just doing your job!

FireBug24_7 0

Welcome back, by all means. America, the peacekeepers..... We fight almost all the wars, and the other countries? They call us warmongers for helping keep world peacefulish. War is hell, that's all that can be said.

Horde 8

Peacekeepers? What TV show are you watching? Most wars are started by the US, not the "other countries"

Hehe, yeah! WWI and WWII were our fault, too!

Horde 8

Yes, I said That exactly... moron

FFML_314 11

Horde, going around and bashing the U.S military in this FML has only further reassured me and probably most of the commentators that you are an ignorant, uneducated, pretentious, know-it-all, glorified dumb ass. No one cares what you think or believe. Unless I am speaking to Barrack Obama himself right now, please move along. Your opinions are none other than..imagine this..opinions. What you're spewing out of your mouth is not 'facts. Also, calling someone who is clearly more intelligent than you a "moron" makes me laugh.

Anaxes 5

You think WW2 was caused by America. Yes. You are literally retarded.

Horde 8

Indeed, my opinions are just that: opinion. Just like yours. If you can play patriot all around the site then who you are to forbid me to play anti-war? #133 please cite where did I say ww2 were started by the us? Maybe it's not me who is the retarded..

Anaxes 5

"Yes, I said That exactly... moron" Now you're going to mope and pretend it was sarcasm.

FFML_314 11

When you are able to form a structured sentence, I will continue this conversation.

Horde 8

Sorry, i forgot to put the [irony] tags around for the illiterate morons like you. In case you don't understand, freeze replied with irony, so did I.

Anaxes 5

"Maybe it's not me who is the retarded.." Please, never use the word illiterate ever again.

congratulations on a successful deployment. As for the dickheads at the airport...those jackasses don't know what you been through in the past two years. they should stfu and be sent to Afghan as live bait for Taliban.

Xavi89 0

I ****** hate people that do that to our troops! what you should of done, was round house kick one of them!

itszackfyl 4

that's bullshit you should be thanked serving our country

Thank you so much for risking your life for our country. I am sad to say that I live in a country who treats our soldiers like that! I do not take anything you guys do for granted.. Thank you!