By Anonymous - 13/12/2014 20:21 - United States

Today, after months of saving, I went to buy the wedding ring I promised to buy my fiancée. Just seconds after I walked in, the owner asked me to leave, saying he doesn't serve "trash" like me, while pointing at the memorial tattoo on the back of my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 860
You deserved it 3 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Wat's da place name? So we can boycott dat ass!!!

reiichan 18

What an asshole dude. I work retail and you wouldn't believe the hell I get for having a tattoo on my wrist. Some people actually told my manager its "unprofessional." But eh, screw him take your money else where and see if they can get a ring in like the one your fiancée wants.

clickme 17

I'm happy to see that. I wouldn't hire someone with visible tattoos nor sell them a loaf of bread. YDI

Sorry you had to go through that. I have a fairly large memorial tattoo across my shoulder that I had done after my mother and grandmother passed away a few months apart. While most people compliment me on it, I work as a cashier and one day had someone come in and ask what it said/was (because a little bit of the lettering peeks out of my uniform), and I explained and said it was for my mother. The customer had the gall to say, "oh did you get that done so she'll let you get away with anything and let you live under her roof for the rest of her life?". I was like uhh no she died, and walked away.

Some people just dont understand tattoos. Hes an ass hole and doesnt deserve your business. Im sure you can find the same ring if not a better one somewhere else.

I wouldn't help that business anyway f that if they can't see the art in a tattoo they don't need my money

Honestly, that's very shallow and ignorant of him. I think you deserve better service. If it was a private business, then he can serve and not serve whomever he wants and you can't do anything about it, unfortunately. But if otherwise, find a way to report the way he treated you. I wish you luck to you and your spouse, OP!

I would leave negative reviews on every online rating site (think Yelp) I could find. And send an editorial to the local paper. Congrats on your engagement and I wish you much love and happiness!

I woud'nt want a ring from him to be a symbol of my etenral love and dedication. Take your hard earned money elsewhere.