By Anonymous - 13/12/2014 20:21 - United States

Today, after months of saving, I went to buy the wedding ring I promised to buy my fiancée. Just seconds after I walked in, the owner asked me to leave, saying he doesn't serve "trash" like me, while pointing at the memorial tattoo on the back of my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 860
You deserved it 3 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That is horrible. Im sorry. You can always get it else where or you can have it made custom for her. Those are usually the same price and much better quality. Good luck and dont let their negativity put you in a bad mood!

some people are so judgmental I can't stand people like that. maybe you can order it online?

**** that sales guy. If you're willing to buy something then he shouldn't turn you away. Sorry OP

try wearing a pair of gloves... ya know.. boxing gloves, slug the prick! That's a 'trashy' move in itself, judging someone based on a tattoo.. ESPECIALLY when they're about to drop money on an engagement ring!

that's against the law OP...he is not allowed to reject the service based on your appearance... fight for it...

Tattoos are not a protected class. When it comes to tattoos, people can do whatever they want. Protected groups are along the lines of race, ethnicity, disability, gender, and religion. Some states don't even protect gay or transgender people

parkwaydrive7 9

I bet if you showed him the money he would've quickly changed his mind, but then you should've said "sorry I don't give money to trash like you"

Post the name of the store and location on here. I think that everyone who reads this is offended the same whether or not you have or like tattoos. If you remember Hitlers real name from the store that would help too. I have a feeling that you could easily get him fired from the pressure of just those who read your FML

If he doesn't serve "trash" like you, he certainly doesn't deserve your hard earned cash!

He sounds like an ass, and apparently the tattoo helped you to decipher that. But having a tattoo in that public an area brings out a lot of problems. I'd be surprised if some job interviewers for example wouldn't say things in a nicer way....but give you the same message

grindzilla 4

It's crazy. One of the things I have learned from working at a bank is that the ones with the most money don't show it.