By Anonymous - 26/11/2011 02:09 - United States

Today, after I went to collect my pay for babysitting, the girl's dad pulled the old "Can I pay you in Trident Layers?" bull on me. Hoping to show that I wasn't going to play ball, I told him that watching his gran inhale a cock would be funnier. If scowls could kill... FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 347
You deserved it 65 536

Same thing different taste


Even if the father was a prick, that was uncalled for.

ummmm, taking someone's services and trying to avoid paying for them makes the dad more immature than the OP.

uprising_fml 0

must I explain ? the dad was making a reference to a gum commercial and he was KIDDING ! **** .

There are so many stupid people in this world.

Steve95401 49

Would OP want someone talking about his grandmother that way? What an asshole!

uprising_fml 0

I think you mean: DUMBASS DICKWAD ASSHOLE and also: PERVERTED ****

Doesn't anyone know what sarcasm is anymore? Obviously this guy isn't a genius... You guys are all ******* retarded.

Yes think that is most definately a cringe moment.

Why in the hell would you say that to a man who is about to pay you? Don't expect to get another babysitting job anytime soon, because you are now the trash talk of the block.

Here's the FML we should have seen. "Today, I wanted a nice night out with my lady friend, so I hired a babysitter for my little girl. When I got home, I made a joke by saying to the sitter "Can I pay you in Trident Layers?" He said watching my gran inhale a **** would be funnier. I actually let this pervert take care of my child all night. FML"

This doesnt even make sense, this kid is retarded

uprising_fml 0

the kid is a retard, but it does make sense.