By Anonymous - 26/11/2011 02:09 - United States

Today, after I went to collect my pay for babysitting, the girl's dad pulled the old "Can I pay you in Trident Layers?" bull on me. Hoping to show that I wasn't going to play ball, I told him that watching his gran inhale a cock would be funnier. If scowls could kill... FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 347
You deserved it 65 536

Same thing different taste


Goodness me, take a joke. It's not like he was ACTUALLY going to pay you in gum. I'm surprised you didn't get fired on the spot for that crude and sardonic response. Have some respect for your employers--they are the ones paying you, after all! YDI

autumnleighf 0
AMart65 5

Nobody pays me in gum :( ......

perdix 29

For a male babysitter to tell a girl's dad that he has an oral sex fixation is a career-limiting move. I'm not saying an oral sex fixation is bad, letting the wrong people know about it is.

OP is a male. I'm confident he has no panties in a wad.

Froggirl14 0

You're not getting that job back. Especially around little kids. Take your inappropriateness elsewhere.

Captain0bv10us 0

That's uncalled for...and weird

This is by far the wierdest FML I've read...