By Anonymous - 05/10/2012 18:22 - United Kingdom - Wokingham

Today, after having bought my daughter a complete set of new school clothes, she threw a tantrum and refused to wear them. I told her she could either wear them, or go to school naked. She made if half-way down the street in the nude before I caught up and dragged her back inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 815
You deserved it 10 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brokenly 5


kotana191 8

maybe next time you go shopping for her, you should take her with you?

Since this was sent from the United Kingdom, she was almost certainly talking about a school uniform, so there was no need for her to take her daughter shopping with her since you get no choice about the clothes you wear. The only choice you (sometimes) get with a uniform is whether you want to wear a skirt or pants, but that's still not worth throwing a tantrum over.

KooLDooD121 0

She would rather wear her birthday suit than the school clothes lol

intelliDude 7

Parenting rule #1: Don't make a fake threat.

Lol I woulda let her to teach her the lesson

Why would anyone go to school naked ? I would've let her gone she would've ran home so embarrassed and put on some actual clothes. Unless she doesn't give a ****. Sorry op if your daughter is in her pre-teen or teen years I would suggest letting her do the picking out of clothes and shopping. Working in a pre teen store I noticed girls always ask for their mothers opinion but never really care.

I would think if she's already halfway down the street naked she really doesn't give a ****.

She is a teenager she will rebel no matter what dont worry she will grow out of it maybe....

If she was a teenager I highly doubt she'd go out naked. I don't know about you and your family, but ever teenage girl I've met freak out if someone sees them naked, or even in their underwear..

Depends on the teenager. I used to know tons of girls who would have been more than happy to walk around butt naked in public.

Schizomaniac 24

Please point me in the direction of these girls.

Shit, I streaked several times as a teen. I like being naked.

Your daughter should be gracious on the fact she can bring her own clothes... I had to wear a set uniform for my entire elementary school years due to being in a private school..

I know how you feel. I went to charter school. I had to wear these ugly khaki bottoms and over sized tops. The girl should appreciate that her mother can buy basically a whole new wardrobe for her. If I was her mother, I'd take back the clothes and have her go in old clothes. Teach her a lesson.

The FML came from England, so I can tell you right now that that isn't what OP did. In England you have to wear a uniform, right up until the end of sixth form (16-18) in some places. This is true of every school, from primary, to comprehensive, private or public. Not so much in colleges. Uniforms are compulsory, not always very nice and can be quite expensive. I know in my old school they made the trousers deliberately horrible so that everyone wore the skirts instead.

3yellowzebras 19

#130 what school did you go to ? Wasn't Charters by any chance?

If you're talking about the one in Sunningdale, then yes! I moved there for my A levels so I never wore the uniform. But that wasn't the school I was talking about, I was talking about the school I did my GCSEs at, which was in Wokingham.

I hope your daughter's under the age of 6.