By Anonymous - 05/10/2012 18:22 - United Kingdom - Wokingham

Today, after having bought my daughter a complete set of new school clothes, she threw a tantrum and refused to wear them. I told her she could either wear them, or go to school naked. She made if half-way down the street in the nude before I caught up and dragged her back inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 816
You deserved it 10 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brokenly 5


YDI for a massive parenting fail in your word choice. The moral victory's hers.

One thing I don't think most commenters have picked up on or know is that in the UK, where the OP is from, the vast majority of schools have a uniform, not free choice on what to wear. So everyone saying the OP shouldn't have chosen the clothes, the child didn't have a choice what to wear.

Sitaaboo 6

Yeah... I agree. You gave her the option dummy hahha

next time take her with you. I remember my dad use to pick clothes out for me that I didn't like and I complained about it, so he just start taking me with him when he shopped for me.

The fml said the mother bought a set of school clothes, that leads me to believe the school has a uniform requirement, therefore the mother has the right to buy those clothes and the daughter is a spoiled brat, even if she is over 18. If the school/college has a uniform then she has to wear it.

Op is a UK poster so would have been mandatory school uniform she was buying for her daughter. No choice about it!

Seriously?! Nobody bothered to look at where the FML was from? In the UK schools have a uniform, you have no choice what to wear, so you can't go hating on the mother for not being considerate of her child. School uniforms are expensive and if you don't wear them you can get sent home. If you break the uniform rule a number of times you can be excluded.

I can't believe she would do that! Everyone has to wear school uniform, she would have looked incredibly stupid standing naked around a bunch of people wearing school uniform.

3yellowzebras 19

Why wouldn't she be going to School in a Uniform ? I don't know of any Schools in Wokingham or Berkshire that don't have uniform. Unless she is in sixth form or college?!

To the people who are bringing up that the poster is from the UK, not all of us can see location. I use the mobile edition and I can't see it unless I click on the name. I'm too lazy to do that every time. Think before you post.

Equally, you could say the same about the people who are going on about it as though it's not a uniform. They should think before they post because more than one country has school uniforms.