By manderz? - 03/08/2016 00:18 - United States - Beach Haven

Today, after having an amazing first date with my long time crush, we ended up going out to dinner. We shared a meal, and it was delicious! This would have been the ultimate dream come true... Except for the part about me throwing up in his car on the way back home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 479
You deserved it 1 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he is as amazing as the date was he should forgive and forget. Heck it would be a funny story to tell your potential spawn.

As annoying as vomit is to clean up, your date shouldn't hold it against you - I'm hoping he was sympathetic and helped to look after you. :)


I agree with some others. Really it's sort of cute and a great story for others when they ask how y'alls first date went!