By trp007 - 07/04/2014 03:03 - United States - New Castle

Today, after cleaning my house because I'd thrown a party all weekend while my parents were gone, I still got caught because somebody tried to make beer popsicles with Q-Tips in the ice trays in my freezer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 276
You deserved it 42 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

askullnamedbilly 33

Your parents saw Q-tips in an ice tray and immediately jumped to the conclusion that you must've had a wild party over the weekend? Either you have some crazily perceptive parents, or I get a feeling this is not the first time this has happened.


Well I hope it was worth betraying your parents' trust and false believe you were mature enough to be left unsupervised in the house for a weekend. Damages to a house can be fixed or replaced. Trust: not so much. YDI

I think there's a lot of people who need to take a step back, relax, and remember the stupid things they did when they were young. While I've never had a house party while my parents were away, I have gone against their wishes sometimes, and I have made mistakes. So has OP, and so have a lot of you people. So get the sticks out from your arses and get over yourselves; remember what it's like to be young and foolish. Really unlucky OP, better luck next time with the clean up. At least you'll never forget next time, and you have a funny story to tell at your 21st (assuming you're not yet there)!

Not EVERYONE has thrown a party without asking their parents first, I swear everytime I read articles about a celebrity or someone doing something bad, their are always people like you trying to justify their actions "everyone makes mistakes,blah blah blah". The OP deserves it because he thought his parents wouldn't have noticed, and thought that he would have gotten away with it.

Are you seriously suggesting you have NEVER EVER done something against your parents wishes? Or make bad decisions? Because if you are really going to say that, I will risk it and simply flat out call you a liar. So far I have never met anyone like that yet. Nobody was really harmed in this and stuff can be replaced. Yes, asking for permission would have been the better option, but people make mistakes.

You party, you risk it. Sorry OP, that sucks though

You couldn't just make an excuse as to why they are there?

You couldn't just say it was you? That you got a little bored 'all by yourself'.

Lol i think i might try that actually :x perhaps vodka cubes ^_^

My friend got worse - his parents discovered his party by finding his mates underwear shoved inside the kettle