By ifunnybatman - 22/03/2016 04:03 - United States - Roswell

Today, after a DNA test and getting his sperm count checked, my husband still doesn't believe our son is his. He was kicked in the nuts several times as a child, something he believes has rendered him infertile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 770
You deserved it 1 807

ifunnybatman tells us more.

My husband had actually wanted kids more than I did. We were together 5 years before marriage he had never mentioned this before and we didn't have unprotected sex until the night we were married. Our son is 4 and these accusations sprung up after he read some stupid mock article about how one blow to the jewels can completely ruin a guy. I actually considered him rather smart up until this point Lol. He tried to claim he was joking once all the test came back but I know he wasn't. He hasn't treated our son any different though thank God. Anyway sorry for the long reply anymore questions I'll try to answer them. TL;DR: Husband is an idiot tried to play it off like a joke didn't work.

Top comments

Studies show in 99.99% of cases, sex was the leading cause of children.

That's just a blatant excuse to not take responsibility for the child he made, too many fathers in this day and age do this and it's just sickening


Sounds like he's accusing you of cheating. In that case, there is a 99% chance that he is cheating and projecting his guilt onto you.

JohnTheDonJuan 11

I'd really like to see where you got your statistic from, and seriously doubt it's accuracy. Alot of people are just the jealous/insecure type.

The unbelievable stupidity combined with a dose of him implying you must have cheated to have your son makes for a real "walk away" cocktail if he doesn't get his shit together, like, NOW.

Slavgaard 16

if that were true.... there would never any kids conceived the 'natural' way .... every guy knows...

KhaleesiDannie 26

If Johnny Knoxville has children I think it's safe to say being hit on the nuts several times doesn't always mean you're infertile

Well, as my dad likes to say: "You can't fix stupid!"

sounds like you really scored with this one.

takeittoem 8

It really sucks that your husband has this attitude - f your life, and your's son's.

Do as my friend did, when the guy refused believe the DNA test, both of them, yes they did two. She called his parents, ops, he hadnt told them about her even though they been living together for 4 years and he had said he told them about it and the baby. Well she has his parents on her side and they are now helping her through the divorce. Oh and I also know a mum who refused to believe her baby is hers, she got the worse kind of postpartum depression and denial.

Dare I ask how she thought the kid got in there in the first place?